The Description of the NEW 1 MW Biomass Gasifier power plant PLT-1000W

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NEW 1 MW biomass power plant PLT-1000WBiomass gasitication is the way produce a higher grade of combustible gas by heating solid biomass in a gasifier, while introducing air, oxygen or water vapor. The characteristic of gasification rate up to 75% or more, thermal efficiency can reach 85%. The gas generated by biomass gasification can be used for drying, heating, power generation and other applications. The use of biomass energy has a positive effect on the establishment of distributed energy, the disposal of agricultural waste and municipal waste, and the improvement of energy efficiency.

Gas output (m³/h) 1000

Self-consumption(KW) 100KW

Consumption Material (kg/h) 1500

Generating power 1000kw
Biomass gasitication is scheme for solving growing issues with natural gas.
Lowest lifecycle costs, reliable equipment
Strong reputation and references
Green power For biomass gasification, the most important thing is that the biomass raw material contains pyrolysis gasification organic matter that is volatile. At present, the most common raw materials for biomass gasification are rice husk, wood chips, sawdust, straw, peanuts shell, corn cob, palm shell, horse manure, refuse derived fuel and so on. Different raw materials corresponding to different treatment methods and with different design of biomass gasifier, the gas composition is not the same, the calorific value is also different.
Raw Material can be gasified
Requirement of the feedstock Materials size is ≤5 cm, moisture content ≤20 %

Biomass - a valuable fuel
Fixed bed gasifier system The fixed bed gasifier is divided into updraft fixed bed gasifier and downdraft fixed bed according to the gas flow direction.Gasification reaction of fixed bed gasifier generally occurs in relatively stationary bed that has low requirements on raw materials and its moisture content.
The structure of the updraft fixed bed is simple, the moving direction of the gas and the material is opposite that leading the heat temperature fully utilized and the gasification efficiency is high. The direction of movement of the gas and the material in the downdraft fixed bed is the same, the pyrolysis gas passes through the higher temperature zone, resulting in higher calorific value of the combustible gas and less tar content.
Pulita New Energy Technology can provide the appropriate gasification solution according to different raw materials and application requirements.
Fluidized bed gasifier system "Unlike the design of fixed beds, fluidized bed gasifiers have strict requirements for the size and humidity of raw materials. In the reaction with the gasifier, the material in the furnace was ""boiling""state, the furnace temperature is higher, faster gasification, so the gasification efficiency is very high, gas production is relatively stable.
The type of gasifier is more suitable for rice husk, peanut shell. sawdust, pulverized coal and other crushed raw materials gasification.
Biomass Gasifier system details: Our biomass gasification process includes three steps.
The First step is biomass gasification, which convert biomass into syngas.
The Second step is syngas purification. The producer gas coming from gasifier usually contains contaminants including dust, coke, tar and etc.
The contaminants will be removed by the purification system to ensure normal operation of gas engine.
The Third step is power generating in gas engine. The high temperature exhaust gas may be reused by waste heat boiler to generate steam or hot water for civil or industrial use).
Biomass Gasifier system, as a source of renewable energy, can play a crucial role in achieving a balanced, harmonious, and sustainable development, ensuring economic competitiveness and reducing the environmental degradation
Schematic Diagram of Gasifier
Biomass Fuel Gas CompositionCO 20%-22.5%
H2 10%-12.6%
CH4 2%-4%
CO2 13%
O2 1%
N2 46%-50%
H2S 14-16.4 mg/Nm3
Supply Scope: 1. Feeding system Gasifier furnace body
2. Cyclone Dust Cooling equipment
3. Air cooling
4. Water Cooling
5. Gas purification device
6. Roots blower fan
7. Gas Cooling filter
8. Gas flare
9. Ash Disposal System
10. Biomass gas (syngas) generator set (The model is chosen according to the customers requirements)
The specification of the 1 MW Biomass Gasifier power plant PLT-1000W
Gasifier model PLT-1000W
Gas output (m³/h) 1000
Self-consumption(KW) 100KW
Consumption Material (kg/h) 1500
Generating power 1000kw
Generator set model HTB-1000GF
Engine model 20V190ZLT
Gas rate 2800m³/h
Biomass Gasify Agent - Air/Steam
Biomass Moisture Requirement - Fluidized Bed < 15%-20%
Updraft Fixed-bed < 25%-40%
Downdraft Fixed-bed < 20%-25%
Raw Material size Requirement - Fluidized Bed: granularity < 20mm
Fixed-bed:length < 10-80mm, diameter 20-80mm
Control System - PLC Integrated Control
Heat Value of Gas - > 1100-1500Kcal/Nm3
Gas Purification Method - Physical/Srubber/Electrical Precipitator (Alternatively)
Ash Discharge Type - Dry Type/ Wet type (Alternatively)
ALL OUR SYSTEMS FOR gasitication
Syngas Genset
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